Photo courtesy of Tria
I made a makeup purchase from QVC the other day and I found a pretty good deal! I purchased the Tarte Bow & Go holiday set and found that they have the Tria at home laser remover now! I first hear about it from PCOS Diva's review on it and have been wanting to try it. Since I've started taking classes again I can't afford it, but what I love about QVC is that they offer easy pay! Instead of paying $449 (plus $12.47 shipping & handling) you can try it for three payments of $149.66!
Just like Sephora, they have a great return policy! From their website:
QVC makes Holiday Gift Returns easy! Any holiday gift you purchase now
through December 23, 2013 at Noon ET can be returned for any reason for a
full refund including original S&H until January 31, 2014. Shop
with confidence.
To save even more go to Ebates first! I saw the commercials and had heard women talking about it on YouTube, so I decided to try it. I signed up, made first purchase, and received my gift card in the mail! To use it all you have to do is go to the Ebates website, search to see if the site you're going to shop at is on their list, click on it, and then start shopping! I usually use it when I shop from Sephora, Ulta, Lane Bryant, or Amazon, but there are a ton of websites on there! Each site has a certain percentage that you save and they keep up with it and send you a check every quarter. It adds up quickly! Especially when you're doing Christmas shopping online! lol