Saturday, September 14, 2013

Wow, What A Week!

I'm so glad that this week is over! I've been helping my best friend plan her wedding for the past few months, and it was yesterday! If I haven't been in class I've been over at her mom's house working on her cake. The plan for her cake was a three layer chocolate cake with white almond flavored frosting. Purple and blue ribbon border with blue branch and leaf detail work. Yeah, that didn't happen.

I filled and crumb coated the middle layer and everything was fine. After I frosted it I noticed how the icing seemed to be sliding down the cake, and started to fret. I had made the icing too soft! I scraped the icing off the cake and added more powdered sugar and then moved onto the top tier. Now, it's too stiff! The past couple of years I haven't been able to make as many cakes, so I wasn't too sure about the consistency of the icing. Long story short, after dealing with all of that and going back to try and fix the top two layers they were still a hot mess. I couldn't get the icing smooth and there were tons of crumbs in it.

I also volunteered to get the music for the reception. All of that turned out fine, but when I went to make sure the speakers were going to work I ran into some problems. You couldn't hear anything! I ended up talking to my best friend's brother and he helped me to get them working.

So, at the end of a very long day I was ready to go home. Did I mention that this all happened on my birthday?

Anyway, the next day (The day of the wedding) I go back over, make some more icing, and pray. All I can say is what a difference a day makes! I iced the bottom tier and not only was it smooth, but there wasn't a single crumb in it! I didn't have enough icing left to color and do the detailing she wanted, but it still came out pretty good.

While I was over at her parents house baking her dad was talking to me about the PCOS posts on facebook. He was telling me about a story where this man and woman were in a checkout line at the grocery store and he started harassing her about her facial hair. The clerk heard him and started to get onto him. The clerk had been diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago and was telling the guy some of the symptoms and causes of it. The lady in the checkout line hadn't been diagnosed long and I could only imagine dealing with a situation like that when I was first diagnosed. Or even now. I would like to think that I would tell the person off, but you never know until you're in that situation. So, after reading this he tells his wife (my best friend's mom) about it and everything and she tells him that that's what I have. Since we talked about it the other day I promise if I post anything about PCOS he likes it. It makes it easier to post about PCOS if you have support. Speaking of which, I made a facebook page for my blog. That way it might be a little easier to keep up with new posts and other stuff I want to share, but wouldn't fit well on here. You should be able to type in "Lovely With PCOS" and find it.

PS - Here's a picture of her cake! It turns out that there were going to be fewer people coming to the reception than what I was told, so we just used the bottom tier of the cake. You can see back behind it the hot mess cake that I brought just in case we needed to cut some more cake. It wasn't all that fancy, but it tasted pretty good.


  1. Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that your AWESOME "PCOS" pinboard has been featured on - I've pinned the article here:

    Congrats and I hope you'll share this on Pinterest and your other social media networks!

    ~Keiko Zoll
    Infertility Expert,
